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The Real Cost of a DUI in Boise

Posted by Attorneys of Idaho | Jun 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

the real cost of a DUI in Boise

Driving under the influence is an epidemic across the world. It leads to so many unfortunate incidents and in the worst cases, unfortunate fatalities.

This can hit closer to home in Idaho considering that the percentage of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities is higher than the national average.

If you are someone that got arrested for a DUI, you may be wondering how much trouble you are in. You may also be wondering how Boise DUI attorneys can help you.

Well, first, you need to understand what penalties you can get for a DUI charge.

Loss of License

If you get arrested for a DUI in Boise, you are going to lose your driver's license for a few months. How long this may be depends on your judge and your individual circumstances.

However, you should expect to lose this for at least 90 days. The maximum time for a first DUI offense is 180 days.

This is a loss of transportation freedom. Instead of driving your car whenever you want, you will have to rely on other people to drive you. If that is not an option, you may have to take public transportation or even walk to your destinations.

Lighter Wallet

The next thing you need to think about is how much money you are going to lose because of this. A DUI offense can cost you thousands of dollars.

In Idaho, you can be fined up to $1,000 for a DUI offense. However, fines are not the only thing that you should consider here.

You are going to need money to cover any legal services that you need for your case. Outside of the courtroom, it could cost you money in your daily life.

Because of your loss of license, you may not be able to get to work nearly as frequently as you once did. On top of this, your employer may even fire you if your company has a personal conduct policy.

Jail Time

The worst thing that comes from a DUI is potential jail time. While there is no minimum jail time for a first DUI offense in Idaho, it is still on the table.

If you are not careful, you can get up to six months in jail just on your first DUI offense. However, there is something you can do to try to keep jail time off the table.

Look for Boise DUI Attorneys

If you are overwhelmed by the potential consequences of your DUI arrest in Boise, then you need to look for Boise DUI attorneys that can help make this process as smooth as possible for you.

A DUI lawyer can help you minimize these penalties. This can mean getting your driver's license back sooner rather than later, keeping fines to a minimum, and even potentially keeping you out of jail.

Are you looking for representation? Schedule a free consultation today.

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